have u ever embraced darkness??
yea i kno sounds funny...but if ur a person like me, who loves da darkness of darkness....u kno xactly wat i mean....
we both share a black heart...and r selfish enuf to love our self in da blanket of dark....
few days ago the hostel authorities gt bored nd decided to play wid us wid a long midnite power cut....xcept for da fact it was all hot nd sweaty nd i dint had much battery backup in my lappy :(
i went out to explore....
da first thing abt darkness is u realise importance of ur eyes....and in its absence how ur all oder senses get alerted....
every sound is magnified nd sppoky.....da tossing of my roommate in bed, da frequent beep in nearby rooms in a attempt to keep dere mobile screen glowin...
walking through the corridors...u can hear snippets of conversation in da passin rooms which u always so conveniently ignored earlier....
have u seen da nite sky in those hours of darkness...i can bet dere is nothin more beautiful in dis world dan dat....xcept Anne Hathaway of course....
how da black sky turns grey in a split of a second da darkness befalls.....nd all everythin turns into a mere black outline in da canvas....big trees....imposing building...walking men....all turns into a mere black shadow...
its da way da dark disguises u....turns ur face into a sheath of black veil....and u always keep guessin da expression
nyways tired i cam bak to bed to my singin mosquitoes.....dey love to entertain me.....nd kept openin nd closin my eyelid tryin to figure da difference in da degree of darkness...
yea...i m wierd....gudnite!!!
"Darkness is to space what silence is to sound, i.e., the interval." -Marshall McLuhan